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Embassy News

First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Hyun signs Condolence Book at Embassy of Sri Lanka

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  • Writer운영자
  • Date19-04-26 13:14
  • Hit7,712

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First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Hyun signs Condolence Book at Embassy of Sri Lanka



First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Cho Hyun visited the Embassy of Sri Lanka on 25 April 2019 to offer condolences to the Government and the people of Sri Lanka following the tragic terror attacks on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. 

Following signing of the Book of Condolence, Vice Minister Cho conveyed his deepest condolences on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Korea to the Government and the People of Sri Lanka.  Chargé d’ Affaires of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in the Republic of Korea Jagath Abeywarna extended his deep appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Korea for offering condolences at the tragic incident in Sri Lanka.

The Embassy has opened a Book of Condolence for signature from Wednesday, 24 to Saturday, 27 April 2019 in commemorating victims of the tragic terrorist attacks on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka.


26 April 2019 

Embassy of Sri Lanka

Seoul, Republic of Korea

