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Sri Lanka News 목록

Total 143 / 5 Pages
Sri Lanka News List
No Subject
83 Foreign Secretary Appeals to Overseas Sri Lankans to Rethink Plans to be Repatriated unless in Compelling Circumstances
82 Over 38,000 Sri Lankans in 143 Countries seek to Return Home
81 Foreign Secretary Aryasinha elaborates on Cabinet decision to give priority in repatriation to vulnerable sectors among overseas Sri Lankan migrant workers
80 Modalities to issue Temporary Travel Documents to Undocumented Workers Abroad Agreed on
79 Repatriation of Sri Lankan Students from South Asia concludes
78 Repatriation of OSLs constrained by limited availability of quarantine facilities -Sri Lanka engaged with Kuwait to secure an extension of amnesty deadline
77 Sri Lanka Missions abroad seek to re-position Sri Lanka’s exports to meet market conditions resulting from the COVID-19 crisis
76 Sri Lanka expresses Solidarity with Families of Foreign Nationals on the Devastating Loss of Loved Ones
75 Foreign Secretary Aryasinha outlines Role and Preparations of the Ministry and its Missions in Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic
74 COVID-19 crisis spells a new Sri Lanka
73 Foreign Ministry and Foreign Employment Bureau team up to step up efforts to assist Sri Lankans in the Middle East
72 Minister Dinesh Gunawardena explores possibilities to assist Sri Lankan Migrant workers
71 Minister Gunawardena explores practical solutions to assist expatriate communities with Foreign Ministry Officials
70 Appeal to all Sri Lankans and well-wishes living in Sri Lanka and Abroad: An Appeal Made with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers
69 Foreign Ministry takes stock of action by Sri Lanka Missions abroad to ensure the welfare of Overseas Sri Lankans (OSL)