[KOR] Events

Ambassador Dr. Mendis meets the President of Phillips Group of Asia and Pacific Region based in the Republic of Korea.

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  • Writer운영자
  • Date21-03-15 14:52
  • Hit2,399

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The Ambassador, Dr. A. Saj U. Mendis, met with Mr. Seung-Ho Bang, President of Phillips Group of Asia and Pacific Region based in the Republic of Korea, to discuss opportunities for the Dutch and British based Phillips Group to commit investments and FDI in Sri Lanka.  

 The Phillips Group, synonymous with electronic appliances and equipment on a global basis and one of the largest corporates in the world, expressed interest to look at Sri Lanka most favorably. 


 The expansive and detailed discussion was followed by a dinner reception. Further, President Mr. Seung-Ho Bang, is also the President of Taekwondo Association of Korea and well connected with many countries since Taekwondo has become very popular.



